The Most Annoying Ads of Celcom
Okey now everything is so portable and changeable, including our line, now Digi can turn into Celcom, Maxis to Digi without changing the number. So you guys have already watch the ads about this changing thing. Now, i want to express my not-satisfied feeling about the Celcom ads.
Yeah. The one with the funny idiot looking bald headed Harith Iskandar. I don't know whose the creator of this ads, but honestly i can say it the most annoying ads Celcom ever publish on tv. And it getting much more annoying; everytime i watch tv3 new 8pm, every single break i have to watch the ads.
Okey, Harith is known for his funny hillarous act and also a host. Yeah, i admit he is really funny man, But in this Celcom ads, he look s.t.u.p.i.d. Can you imagine, he was wearing this really small black-tshirt all 3 or 4 ads, trying to fit his stomach with that tiny shirt. OMG, that was not the smartest thing ever for professional Celcom. Yup, i love ads from Celcom, those blue houses, dating with monkey ads. But not fat bald Harith ads. I am fat too, but i don't think every fat entertainer have to be funny in stupid kind of way. I hope this ads will end soon.
Looking for another entertaining ads like the yellow duck of Digi, oh ya, i am waiting for Maxis and U-mobile ads. Hope they come up with more entertaining and not stupid ads.
Still, i won't change my special Maxis number into another line for whatever reason. Well, although there are lot of hidden cost, but the number is really special. so what. I won't change because i m not portable type of person. lala~~
banner or link 2 cam ner erk??
ok sy akan letak url awk dlm blogger sy..
eh, banner sy xda..
nk bt cam na yer??
benar tapi pelik.
shikin...ko ade blog...harus rajen terjah pasni..
happy blogging... ;p
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
well...maybe that's what they call creativity i guess. Apapun bukan semua orang dapat memuaskan apa yang kita inginkan dalam hidup ini, ya tak dik? sabor jelah....i do have the same opinion towards the ad....mcm bangang lak nampaknya...:)
i couldn't agree more psl kebangangan ads tu dik tapi mungkin pada sebahagian orang menarik??? apapun kita bukan dapat memuaskan semua orang dalam hidup ini...ya tak? sabor jelah....:)
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